5 Tips for Helping Your Kids Prevent Cavities – Preventing Cavaties

Child keeps getting cavities B stands for Brushing. Inform children that they must brush two times per day most likely with fluoride toothpaste. Younger children could benefit from using small amounts of fluoridated dental floss since it’s tough to control the amount of toothpaste they use at this point. You can ask your pediatric dentist for tips for brushing children of different levels of.

C is for choices. You can find many options in toothpaste tubes flavored with fluoride specifically made for kids. You can let them pick the flavor they like best (although not using any fluoride toothpaste could affect your dental health). To help children practice proper oral hygiene oral rinses could be an excellent option.

If your child has a habit of getting cavities, try a kid-friendly fluoride cleaning solution that contains sodium fluoride or the stannous (tin) fluoride. This is what is what the AAPD recommends as effective and safe topical substances that help improve enamel protection against the decay caused by acid.

Sugary foods should be limited to no more than three times per week.

The restriction of eating sugary foods is another option in the event that your child develops cavities. Most of the sources of sugars that are added into our meals are drinks that contain sugar and drinks, however you need to think about limiting candy, sweets, pastries, cookies, soda, ice cream as well as fruit juices. Foods and drinks that contain sugar can lead to tooth decay, so it’s important that you limit their intake.

The general rule is that any drinks or foods that have more than a certain amount of sugar is considered to be a source for excessive quantities of pure. Sugary food should be limited to not more than three occasions per week. Be sure to limit your intake of high fat items like French fries and potato chips.