What is the question is, when is too long sit?
A wedding band placed around someone’s wrist is an important gesture. When you make the decision that you are ready to make a commitment, it’s a serious gesture and should be handled seriously. To go out and buy an engagement ring signifies that you’re attempting to spend the rest of your life with the person you love, so at what point will you be able to waiting period?
It’s true that on one hand, you could wait a couple of months before deciding to propose, and at when the issue comes up, was it too soon? After a few months are you familiar with the person well enough to to tell if this is the person you’d like to have a relationship with? Many stories describe women who purchased wedding rings, and then moved on. When you’re 10 years old, it is likely that you are familiar with your spouse. You’re better off asking at the right time. kluqmhhmj3.