How Does a c13 Power Cord Connnector Work? – Madison County Chamber of Commerce News

. It’s good to know that it’s not too late. Youtube videos “How It Works – IEC Lock C13 Connector” has a demonstration detailing how it will look in the end. We’ll look into it!

The most appealing thing is this C13 power cord? It comes with a locking system included. It’s almost impossible to cut the cord unless you do it intentionally. You just need to place the ends correctly wherever you’ll need the cord. once everything is set in place, you can start locking it.

The small red switch at the upper. If you’re all set for it, press it on the left. The internal latch will push to the Earth pin and it will be clamped there, stopping any pulling or vibration. The latch is still simple to get rid of once you’ve switched the latch over to the other side. The best part is that you’ll be able to spot this mechanism of locking in different inlets and even guards that are designed to prevent any issues that may occur when using your laptop, computer, PDUs, network devices in addition to other.

The rest of the video for the specifics of the C13 electric cord.
