There are numerous optometrists. However, all needed to put in extra effort in order to attain this remarkable task. Therefore, prior to thinking of becoming an optometrist there are some factors you must be informed of. There are certain traits or behaviors that will not favor the person who wants to go to optometry school. If you are exhibiting such behaviors, it will be better to stay clear of going into this field. This will let you avoid the possibility of having a stressful job. Examine yourself. When you are enrolled in an optometry college, you have to be completely convinced. The most common mistakes that may keep you out of optometry school are those who avoid the teachers. This means that you won’t be able to provide optimal care to the patients you serve. It is essential that teachers equip you with the skills and expertise that help you become one of the most skilled optometrists. Don’t be a doctor in order making profits. Your focus should be on your clients. If you’re a shy person, this is not a career for you. hl7povkib9.