When printing on transparent materials Use solid lines. Avoid using markers or pencils if you’re making your own design. This is because they leave lines that are jagged, which makes results that are less appealing. Use bitmap and greyscale without anti-aliasing to create designs on the computer. Avoid working in the more popular RBG color mode.
Transparencies for screen printing should be applied in a dark shade to prevent sunlight. Whatever ink shade you pick, just aim to place it on your screen. For the design of your final image, employ black ink. Computers are the most efficient method to make a print. There are a number of advantages. One of them is that computers make it simpler to change the design. If there are errors, it is necessary to press two buttons, and print a brand new transparency.
You can save your backup copies of the transparent papers and store them on cloud storage services like DropBox as well as Google Drive for remote access to access them in the event something unexpected happens to them. jvxgsixedt.