Common Workplace Accidents – Attorney Newsletter

In his presentation, you’ll find what types of accidents are the most commonly encountered. accidents.

Slip and fall is one of the most often occurring accidents. It could be caused by various causes. The reason could be that the floor is slippery or the area lacks enough light sources. The fall or slip can lead to broken bones, concussions, and injury to the spine. If your employer was negligent the accident could be yours to damages.

One of the most frequent types of accidents involves being hit with an object, and getting hurt. The object could land on your head or be thrown around and strike you on the side. The result could be head injuries, concussions or even eye traumas. To prevent this, signs should be posted, objects are secured as well as hardhats.

The same applies to injuries sustained from being struck. This is when someone pushes you up to injury. In the example above, someone could be trying to push you around in a tight space and result in crashing into a wall. These accidents could cause injuries, which could be covered by workers ‘ compensation.
