Bookmarks Keep You Socially Connected

There is a ton of content online today. Weeding out the good from the bad can be a real chore. When you find something that you like, whether it’s a site about recipes, music or videos, or even meme pages and other funny content, you want to be able to see it again easily without having to research.
That’s why people keep bookmarked pages and items on their web browser (bookmark in Chrome) so that they can readily access the website or page at just the touch of a button. Bookmarked items are easy to use and in most browser applications, there are tabs dedicated to this function. When you go to save bookmarks, you are typically asked if you want to bookmark this page. The page could be something you want to visit again or share to Facebook, or it’s something you know you will use again, like a Twitter bookmarklet.
Some people prefer to save whole sites as separate tabs on their browser. You can save your favorite sites, such as bookmark Yahoo or bookmark top social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and more. The beauty of bookmarking is that you can share with your friends all the things that you saved so that they, too, can have a deeper appreciation of all the best in web content.
There are even specific services dedicated to helping those who want keep items bookmarked. Known as social bookmarking services, they are a centralized online service that enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share web documents that have been bookmarked. These management services, one specifically known as Delicious Bookmarks, which was founded in 2003, have helped popularize the term “save bookmarks,” “social bookmarks,” and “tagging.”
Tagging is similar to saving bookmarks because it allows other people to see what you deemed worthy. Part of the reason for keeping items bookmarked, tags work by enabling users to organize their bookmarked pages or items in flexible ways and develop a shared social vernacular. Browse other people’s bookmarked pages. This is where the social part really works. Here, you can check out your friends’ bookmarks as well as search for tags you used to see sites that other people tagged with the same keyword. And thus, the social bookmarking circle continues…